Its warm outside. A hot sunny summer day.
"where will you go?" I say.
"I don't know. Somewhere they can't find me." He says.
"Where would that be? They can probably find you anywhere...." I reply.
"No I'm pretty sure they won't look that hard" He says.
(I wonder if he ever will leave, or is just all talk)
Now its a mostly cloudy day. Windy. Late fall.
The company vehicle is returned. Keys, credit card, and radio all accounted for on the passenger seat. Everything is in order.
The house is sold. (when did that happen?) The new owner says "I have no idea where he went. I closed on this house a couple weeks ago".
Phones are dead. No forwarding number. No two weeks notice. All items purchased, were done so with cash.
Just, simply, gone.
"He finally did it. He did what he always wanted to do. He's finally off the grid." I say to myself.
May the road rise to meet you
May the wind be always at your back
The sun shine warm upon your face
The rains fall soft upon your fields
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the hollow of his hand