Monday, January 26, 2009

a bit on a lot

8 days. That's how long I've been doing 100 situps/day, and 30 pushups/day. On top of starting back up in the lifting of weights thrice weekly. Honestly i can't say as ive gained a lot of strength but i have been noticing my abs are not nearly as shy as they were. There is defenite fat loss occuring :)

On another note i quite possibly had the most fun possible in a group project the other day. We went and played basketball and just hung out at the rec center at UNL for a while, then ate at buffalo wild wings. Yes. You heard me correctly. I got points for doing that. The only requirement was that our "hangout time" was documented via pictures. Which i will upload when i get copies of them, but they are pretty funny.

I must also make a note to mother nature. Would you please bring all your snow at once in the future instead of spreading it out over like 5 days? It would get us all snowdays and allow us to enjoy your beautiful snow! Perhaps by operating a not-so-enviournmentally-friendly snowmobile. Just think about it. We'll talk more later. I have some questions about storm chasing this coming summer.

Also props to our good Lord. He continued His trend to prove to me that He does care about the little things, and, well, maybe the not so little things too.


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