Thursday, November 12, 2009

my phone

my phone is trying to sabotage my life True story.

Here's a list of why:
-Sometimes it won't receive calls or texts for hours on end, even when its on. Why? No idea. Honestly. Just now (12:30 AM) I had two texts show up that were sent hours before. Apparently its a long journey for it to get to my phone.

-It won't let me send texts to Taleah's email account sometimes. IM NOT JOKING. i showed her because it sounds so ridiculous that i wanted to prove it. I can send to my email just fine (or other people's email for that matter), but sometimes the phone says "cannont send to email" when i try to send it to her. If anyone out there doesn't believe this, or thinks "that's ridiculous, he must be doing it wrong" I do not blame you in your feelings. That's exactly what i would think if someone else were to have said this. You'll have to believe me.

-My phone cuts out a lot during calls. Doesnt drop them, just goes silent for very breif moments

-Sometimes when I'm typing a text (not with T9 because T9 sucks) instead of hitting a button 3 times to get one letter, I'll hit it three times real quick and wind up with 3 random letters from that key. Its weird. I can't explain it.

-Sometimes it restarts itself. This one I'm guessing is possibly due to dirty battery connections. I need to clean it. Although my last phone did this all the time, and i know that one wasnt the battery....hmmmm

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