Sunday, November 16, 2008

honey nut cheerios

So last night was the main event for AcroFest. I was honestly going with the idea that it would be fun to hang out with the people I was going with, but that the actual show would not be that impressive. Boy was I wrong! I really enjoyed it, plus it was free for me (and others). A coach of another team was very kind and allowed us in the back door. It was a very random thing for him to do. Thank you sir!

Except for the way-too-loud-microphone, it was really cool. It makes me miss gymnastics very much. So much so that i decided to reincorporate some gymnastic exercises into my workout routine today. The exercise i think, is referred to as a "skull crusher". Not sure on the real title. Bascially its doing a handstand and lowering yourself until your head almost touches the ground and then pressing back up. I also added the seated handstand press and I expect to be sore tomorrow. :)

I like honey nut cherrios. There ya go....that ties in the title. haha.

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