Monday, November 24, 2008

math and tiny things

From 11:30am, until 8:15 pm, I was doing Differential Equations. Yuck. The test was difficult i must say, but I am a little proud when I think of how much work I put into it. I know without all that studying that I would have surely failed it.

Well I'm almost done with classes until break. Tomorrow. Today actually. I am worried I will be bored. I am the kind of person that needs social interaction to survive. Don't get me wrong I need my alone time once in a while like everyone else, but friends rejuvenate me. I once had a an ex that said "Friendships drain me....". It's pretty obvious why that one didn't work out :)

My brain is frazzled. If I were to type more, I would either wind up, A.) writing too much and boring people, B.) writing too much, and saying things I would regret, or that would hurt others, or C.) attempt to make an analogy of my life that has WAY too many references to math, physics, and science.

I know option B might seem strange, but I have to edit almost everything I write initially. Apparently the filter between my mind and the keyboard lets things slip sometimes, or wants to anyway, and then the conscious part of my brain has to say "whoa there partner". I guess my subconscious can be pretty rude and straightforward. I honestly kind of like it sometimes :)

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